最近這些年我的生活焦點開始圍繞女兒轉,和她相處的過程非常治愈 ,充滿創造力、愛與活力。晚上等她睡覺之後我又會回到成年人的世界,這裏充斥著各種令人焦慮的信息,它會和白天女兒帶來的快樂一起角逐我的注意力。我開始嘗試利用人工智能把各種社會新聞、事件或某些現象,通過文字描述生成與之相關的圖像,並把它們覆蓋在我拍攝的家庭照片上。這些自動生成的畫面元素,讓瑣碎的生活記錄變得更具視覺刺激,它們在互相搶奪觀看者注意力的同時也把不同的生命軌跡交織在一起,畢竟發生在他們身上的事情,也有可能闖進你我的世界,大家都住在同一個地球上。
In recent years, the focal point of my life has shifted to revolve around my daughter. The process of being with her is profoundly therapeutic, brimming with creativity, love, and vitality. After she falls asleep at night, I return to the world of adults, where various anxiety-inducing information prevails. It competes with the daytime joy my daughter brings, vying for my attention. I’ve begun to experiment with using artificial intelligence to translate various societal news, events, or certain phenomena into visually related images through textual descriptions. I overlay these images onto the family photos I capture. These automatically generated visual elements make the mundane records of life more visually stimulating. While they vie for the viewer’s attention, they also interlace different life trajectories. After all, occurrences in their lives could also potentially intrude into your and my world, as we all reside on the same planet.